20% HOT DEAL - QUICK CHANGE BOOKS part 1 and 2 (englisch) and poster
Artikelnummer: QUICK CHANGE 1+2+poster
"QUICK CHANGE 1 - rapid costume changes for men"
"QUICK CHANGE 2 - the making of a quick change act"
"QUICK CHANGE 1 - rapid costume changes for men"
"QUICK CHANGE 2 - the making of a quick change act"
+ Poster - Lex Schoppi & Alina
Beide Bücher haben das Format 17 * 24 cm und einen Hardcover Einband mit Kapitalband. Die QUICK CHANGE Buchreihe ist das umfangreichste Kompendium über Quick Change und gilt heute als Grundlagenwerk der Verwandlungskunst.
Lex Schoppi entwickelt technische Lösungen für Theater- ,TV- und Showproduktionen, koordiniert die Realisierung und coacht die Darsteller. Neben TV-Sendungen wie “World of Comedy - Die besten Comedians der Welt“, “Stars in der Manege“, Echo Verleihung und verschiedenen “Got Talent” Artisten beriet er auch Schlagerstars, Rockbands, Topmodels, Comedians, Theater- und Opernhäuser, Kreuzfahrtbühnen, Magier.
In dieser englischsprachigen Buchreihe ist das Grundlagenwissen für Spezialkostüme enthalten.
In the new english book "Quick Change" 15 different methods of fastening are described, the so-called "Top Secret High Tech" hardcores. There are:
the hook and eye fastener
the standard press studs/poppers fastener,
the double press stud/poppers fastener,
the hook and loop fastener,
the magnet fastener,
the simplest pull fastener,
the pull with eyelets fastener,
the tunnel pull fastener,
the double pull fastener,
the fish bone pull fastener,
the crochet fastener,
the tunnel crochet fastener,
the incredible speed spring seam,
the elastic speed thread and finally
the "non plus ultra": the prepared zipper.
The user is trained in 22 sequences to accomplish costume changes. The combination of individual sequences results in very fast complete costume changes. In theory there are several hundred combination possibilities for Quick Change methods. Finally a multiple costume change with six costumes from preparation and through the handling is presented with a series of 48 photos.
In this specialty book you will gain a deep insight into the complexity of a quick change act. The latest technical knowledge flowed into this presentation and is elaborately described. Both the costumes and the props are described in detail. The techniques applied here are hard-core and allow the speediest costume changes “par excellence”
This book describes a complete Quick Change act with 12 designer costumes - female and male. It will allow you to perform sensational costume changes at an unbelievable professional speed. You will learning the art of high speed costume changes at the top level.
The new methofs of fastening described in this book explain in detail the maximum equipment to gain maximum speed.
The technique "tied ball gowns" differs substantially from old well-known classic costume changes as his new technique for the final costume is an innovative technique which resists the most demanding strains.
You get to see how a complete quick change act of 12 costumes was developed, how the costumes work, exactly why they performed in that way and how the difficulties were overcome.
Jim Steinmeyer, illusion designer
"An important book filled with unique information on many costume effects. Quick Change is an essential textbook for every stage magician, and I highly recommend it."
Kevin James, world class magician:
"I have always been fascinated with the art of costume change. This is a very comprehensive exploration on the subject. The incredible genius performances of Arturo Brachetti has shown us all what heights can be reached, how inspiring and magical the art form can be. Any serious student will want this book."
Peter Marvey, world class magician
"This book fills a gap in the knowledge of the magic art. Certainly THE book to answer all your quick change questions and a great collector's piece."
Tony Clark, world class magician:
"I found it to have a lot of great information and it was easy to understand. You did a great job of producing a well needed book. Congratulations on a great contribution to the art of Quick Change!"
Danny Cole, magician + quick-change artist
"Finally I can understand the details of the German book! I think you have done a good job... the theories and techniques are clear through your writing. I could understand everything, and as a teaching tool, you have done a great job. After all, this is not a book of English literature, it is a magic teaching book! So good job, and I am excited to see the final product."
Valerie Mageux, Quick Change artist
"Your book is THE reference to "Quick Change"...No other one of this quality exists...really, all my congratulations for this beautiful work."
Geoffrey Durham, English Television magician
"The magic world has needed a good, clear, authoritative work on quick change for far too long. This is an excellent first book for anyone exploring a fascinating and neglected area of magic. Creative magicians will find real inspiration here. Warmly recommended."
Mark Parker, illusion designer
"Its an excellent and valuable source of info on this subject. I am sure anyone getting into quick change or even seasoned pro's will discover a few gems here. Well done...excellent."
Rafael World Class Magician:
"I highly recommend this book! It will change the way you look at the art of quick change !"
Lee Alex Merlin Award Winner:
"The vivid realm of transformation for female and male performers!"
George Diamond Quick Change Artist:
"Excellent new ideas!!! That it is the greatest book on quickchange there is!"
Mathias Fischedick TV Producer & Consultant:
"The high scool of quick change - this book is a must."
Prof. Dr. Christian M. Thurnes Quick Change Artist:
" The techniques represent a class of their own."
"QUICK CHANGE is a book that's truly meant to be used and studied. It's a reference work for anyone looking to add costume changes to their act on any scale. Recommended."
magicseen magazine (UK):
"This is the first attempt at a comprehensive study of Quick Change techniques for men's costumes and with little else available at the current time the authors have provided a starting point for anyone looking to add a Quick Change or costume change to their act."
The Magic Circular (UK - London)
"If you are planning a quick change element in your show, or are aching to see how it can be done, or if you want to read about the hard work that goes into an act like this, I think you'll find this book both enjoyable and useful."
SECRETS magazine of the Young Magicians Club (UK - London)
"...the best book I ever ever purchased... strongly recommended"
MAGIE magazine (Germany)
"...an absolute must have!"
Magic Magazine Aladin (Austria)
„never before we have so much fun with a book“