QUICK CHANGE BOOK 2 hard cover english
Product no.: Book 2 english
QUICK CHANGE 2 - THE MAKING OF A QUICK CHANGE ACT In this specialty book you will gain a deep insight into the complexity of creation from a complete quick change act. The latest technical knowledge flowed into this presentation and is elaborately described. Both the costumes and the props are described in detail. The techniques applied here are hard-core and allow the speediest costume changes “par excellence”.
Background QUICK CHANGE 2 - high speed haute couture entertainment: At the end of the year 2008 Lex Schoppi & Alina created a television act which amazed a television audience of more than 10 million. Now Lex Schoppi has put pen to paper and allows the reader a complete insight into the complexity of the whole quick change act. You get to see the effects from behind the curtain and understand what really happens within seconds. Apart from the technical subtleties, the author goes into detail of the correct presentation of the effects described. You get to see how a complete quick change act of 12 costumes was developed, how the costumes work, exactly why they performed in that way and how the difficulties were overcome. The techniques described in this book allowed the split second costume changes seen in the legendary television programme to be performed faultlessly.
QUICK CHANGE 2 - high speed haute couture entertainment
144 Seiten, Hardcover Einband 17 x 24 cm, 171 Illustrationen
The Magic Circular (London)
"If you are planning a quick change element in your show, or are aching to see how it can be done, or if you want to read about the hard work that goes into an act like this, I think you'll find this book both enjoyable and useful."
Fachzeitschrift Aladin:
War QUICK CHANGE Teil 1 quasi die Pflicht, ist QUICK CHANGE Teil 2 die Kür!
Fachzeitschrift MAGIE
Sie sind hier richtig, wenn Sie Informationen über Quick Change suchen!
Rafael Weltklasse Magier:
Dieses Buch verändert Ihren Blickwinkel! Ich kann es nur wärmstens empfehlen!
Lee Alex Merlin Award Winner:
Das lebendige Reich der Verwandlung von Damen- und Herrenkostümen!
George Diamond Quick Change Artist:
Excellente neuartige Ideen und Techniken!!! Dies ist das großartigste Buch über Quickchange!
Mathias Fischedick TV Producer & Consultant:
Das ist die hohe Schule der Verwandlungskunst! Mit diesen Buch gewährt der Quickchange-Papst einen Blick in seine eminenten Roben. Dieses Buch ist ein MUSS!
Prof. Dr. Christian M. Thurnes Verwandlungskünstler und Juror
Diese Techniken sind eine Klasse für sich.
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